Hi Everyone! Aren't you happy it's Friday? The rain's not going to let us do much this weekend is it ?
But if you're in or around Tallahassee, tomorrow is an exciting day! It's the 12th Annual Tails & Trails 10k/5k /1 mile run. For over a decade, the local Animal Shelter has been 'putting paws in motion'!
See you at the race tomorrow!
Oops I forgot the main part! All weekend long, adoptions are just $12! How cool is that ?
Another piece of information I want to bring to your notice is that a newly rescued puppy needs our help! I read this on a lovely blog I follow called
And Foster Makes 5. I don't claim to have half the viewership that they do, but if there is even one person who reads this and helps Nala with even $1, then Victory is Mine!
Please consider reading about Nala's condition and make a small donation today.
Or, to just make a donation anyway (you are so awesome!) use any of the following options that I pasted from the original post to make it oh so easy for you!-
Online donations:
Nala’s Veterinary Hospital:
CARES (Center for Animal Referral and Emergency Services)
2010 Cabot Blvd. West Suite D
Langhorne, PA 19047
*You must specify that it is for Nala Wall
Kahlua and I hope you have a wonderful weekend! We will be migrating to Wordpress soon
and more on that later. Oh also, Kahlua officially earned the title of
Canine Good Citizen last weekend, and maybe more on that later too. I just realized how much I've been slacking with all these
pupdates I need to give you!
Mom is a slacker! |